21 February 2017
All ebook pdfs are now improved with better “covers” and available for free download through this site. Ebook pdfs from The Heavy Duty Press are best viewed on a full size screen with Adobe Acrobat Reader, in full screen mode. To do so, click the link, download the pdf to your hard drive, and open with Adobe Acrobat. Share freely.
(Click the image for the pdf.)
28 July 2016
The Heavy Duty Press is alive and well in the middle of 2016, returning to the internet to announce the publication of B(l)eached in ebook format, available for a reasonable $3 contribution to this creative enterprise at viroquacreative.com. Details of the project are summarized well enough in the 6 March 2015 entry (below) to not feel like trying to say it all differently just because it’s a year later.
What I will add, is that re-seeing and re-reading this book after not looking at it for a year has been a pleasure. Brandon Graham did a heck of a job writing a story to complement and tie together the illustrations contributed by a fantastic group of international collagists. My sincere gratitude to all who contributed to this fine book.
Print edition will be made available when the 4-book series is completed later this year. Please stay tuned for the Autumn Hymn(al).
10 May 2015
Publication postponed until June-July 2016.
6 March 2015
B(l)eached is the sequel to Thaw(ing);Thaw(ing) the child of Thawt.
Far away from home, late last summer, the sight of a postcard rack in the office window of The Falcon Inn, in Buxton, North Carolina, provided the inspiration for a second round of collaboration with the artists who contributed to Thawt. All were sent postcard greetings from vacationland with the option to work with them and return. After gratefully receiving eight collages in the mail, they were arranged in a sequence, along with some photographs from the trip, and sent to Brandon S. Graham, who had agreed to provide text to complement the images.
Pending permission requested of P.R. Hornby[1], the photographer who holds the copyright on the photographs printed on the original postcards, B(l)eached will be published as a limited edition of 40 copies, pamphlet stitched, about 40 pages, and about $40.
Contributors include: Nikki Soppelsa (U.S.A.), Flore Kunst (France), Susan Legind (Italy), Helene de Winter (The Netherlands), Gary Ortman (U.S.A.), Brandon Graham (U.S.A.), Lisa Chun (U.S.A.), Sammy Slabbinck (Belgium), and Barbara Minch (U.S.A.).
[1] In a telephone conversation with Mr. Hornby, he mentioned his website was admittedly and intentionally out of date, because he is “anti-computer” (and doesn’t have one). This was a bit of refreshing amusement to me, given my recent waning interest in self-promotional websiting. So in closing, I’ll promote Mr. Hornby with a few links to his work:A well-researched book on Winslow Homer, and a few other titles available on Amazon.com.